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  • Mozilla Warns DOJ's Google Remedies Risk 'Death of Open Web'
  • Microsoft: Recent Windows Updates Make USB Printers Print Random Text
  • 'Something Is Rotten in the State of Cupertino'
  • Man Survives With Titanium Heart For 100 Days - a World First
  • Microsoft's Xbox Copilot Will Act As an AI Gaming Coach
  • News: Change in Focus
  • Brief: Google offers bounty on browser bugs
  • News: Conficker data highlights infected networks
  • News: PhotoDNA scans images for child abuse
  • News: Twitter attacker had proper credentials
Index of pictures
Thumbnail p1010038.jpeg Thumbnail p1010016.jpeg Thumbnail p1010017.jpeg Thumbnail p1010033.jpeg
p1010038 p1010016 p1010017 p1010033
Thumbnail Food again.jpeg Thumbnail p1010013.jpeg Thumbnail p1010004.jpeg Thumbnail Nice, isn't it?.jpeg
Food again p1010013 p1010004 Nice, isn't it?
Thumbnail p1010037.jpeg Thumbnail Hungry young ladies....jpeg Thumbnail p1010026.jpeg Thumbnail p1010006.jpeg
p1010037 Hungry young ladies... p1010026 p1010006
Thumbnail Many people wear traditional dresses....jpeg Thumbnail p1010014.jpeg Thumbnail Food again....jpeg Thumbnail I love these ones!.jpeg
Many people wear traditional dresses... p1010014 Food again... I love these ones!
Thumbnail such as trying to catch red fishes with some paper.jpeg Thumbnail p1010036.jpeg Thumbnail p1010024.jpeg Thumbnail Some gaijins also are playing this festival game..jpeg
such as trying to catch red fishes with some paper p1010036 p1010024 Some gaijins also are playing this festival game.
Thumbnail p1010023.jpeg Thumbnail p1010039.jpeg Thumbnail And some dogs are lucky....jpeg Thumbnail Pervert guy (me) smiling between two nice ladies.jpeg
p1010023 p1010039 And some dogs are lucky... Pervert guy (me) smiling between two nice ladies
Thumbnail p1010005.jpeg Thumbnail Huge discount!!.jpeg Thumbnail p1010015.jpeg Thumbnail Any place is good to have an eating pause!.jpeg
p1010005 Huge discount!! p1010015 Any place is good to have an eating pause!
Thumbnail p1010019.jpeg Thumbnail p1010008.jpeg Thumbnail p1010032.jpeg Thumbnail You can play local games, ....jpeg
p1010019 p1010008 p1010032 You can play local games, ...
Thumbnail p1010009.jpeg Thumbnail Hello, girls!.jpeg Thumbnail This guy is providing some massage....jpeg Thumbnail p1010021.jpeg
p1010009 Hello, girls! This guy is providing some massage... p1010021
Thumbnail The policemen try to control the people moves.jpeg Thumbnail p1010051.jpeg Thumbnail p1010047.jpeg Thumbnail p1010048.jpeg
The policemen try to control the people moves p1010051 p1010047 p1010048
Thumbnail p1010040.jpeg Thumbnail p1010052.jpeg Thumbnail p1010044.jpeg Thumbnail For Japanese, the neck is sexy.... For me too ;-).jpeg
p1010040 p1010052 p1010044 For Japanese, the neck is sexy.... For me too ;-)
Thumbnail p1010045.jpeg Thumbnail Azabu-Jyuban festical is crowdy.jpeg Thumbnail p1010046.jpeg Thumbnail p1010050.jpeg
p1010045 Azabu-Jyuban festical is crowdy p1010046 p1010050
Thumbnail p1010042.jpeg

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