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Index of pictures
Thumbnail Sleeping time....jpeg Thumbnail 1++Sleeping time....jpeg Thumbnail Coming back from Kusatsu: Maiwenn & Tugdual eat Thumbnail The same, with Maiwenn.jpeg
Sleeping time... 1++Sleeping time... Coming back from Kusatsu: Maiwenn & Tugdual eat "ekiben", food you can find in some railway stations... The same, with Maiwenn
Thumbnail Kusatsu view.jpeg Thumbnail Kusatsu house... They are wonderfull!.jpeg Thumbnail Ooops... Does my wife's fish soup have a strange smell?.jpeg Thumbnail 2++Sleeping time....jpeg
Kusatsu view Kusatsu house... They are wonderfull! Ooops... Does my wife's fish soup have a strange smell? 2++Sleeping time...
Thumbnail My syster, going to hot springs (onsen). She smiles, but was not sure of what could happen there :-).jpeg Thumbnail They cook eggs in hot springs there. Very good, by the way!.jpeg Thumbnail The air is hot near this cookies shop, but the sulphur smell is very strong..jpeg Thumbnail Noodle are not easy to catch with chopsticks :-).jpeg
My syster, going to hot springs (onsen). She smiles, but was not sure of what could happen there :-) They cook eggs in hot springs there. Very good, by the way! The air is hot near this cookies shop, but the sulphur smell is very strong. Noodle are not easy to catch with chopsticks :-)
Thumbnail At least the expert here feels it is funny!!.jpeg Thumbnail Li, myself, Pascale (my sister) and Hervé finishing a dinner.jpeg Thumbnail Maïwenn & Tugdual near a temple.jpeg Thumbnail Near this temple.jpeg
At least the expert here feels it is funny!! Li, myself, Pascale (my sister) and Hervé finishing a dinner Maïwenn & Tugdual near a temple Near this temple
Thumbnail Ana Hotel, Tokyo: Real Kyoto geishas came there for a show.jpeg Thumbnail Still in Ana Hotel, Sumo make some New-Year cookies for children....jpeg Thumbnail The temple itself.jpeg Thumbnail Li, myself, Pascale (my syster) and Herve finishing a dinner..jpeg
Ana Hotel, Tokyo: Real Kyoto geishas came there for a show Still in Ana Hotel, Sumo make some New-Year cookies for children... The temple itself Li, myself, Pascale (my syster) and Herve finishing a dinner.
Thumbnail 1++In Thumbnail In Thumbnail Herve has something important to say, but Tugdual does not look impressed!!.jpeg Thumbnail Going to Odaiba beach, in Tokyo bay....jpeg
1++In "Le Bretagne", a Crêperie in Omote-Sando In "Le Bretagne", a Crêperie in Omote-Sando Herve has something important to say, but Tugdual does not look impressed!! Going to Odaiba beach, in Tokyo bay...
Thumbnail Gull in Odaiba.jpeg Thumbnail Gulls in Odaiba.jpeg Thumbnail Example of Tokyo architecture (Odaiba beach).jpeg Thumbnail Behing the small Statue of Liberty (Odaiba), you can see the Rainbow Bridge, and Tokyo Tower....jpeg
Gull in Odaiba Gulls in Odaiba Example of Tokyo architecture (Odaiba beach) Behing the small Statue of Liberty (Odaiba), you can see the Rainbow Bridge, and Tokyo Tower...
Thumbnail Tokyo Tower..jpeg Thumbnail View from Tokyo Tower. Scary, no?.jpeg Thumbnail Tokyo view from Tokyo Tower. My company sits in white (twin) buildings on the right..jpeg Thumbnail What damn is that?.jpeg
Tokyo Tower. View from Tokyo Tower. Scary, no? Tokyo view from Tokyo Tower. My company sits in white (twin) buildings on the right. What damn is that?

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